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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner)
Draft Minutes
Regular Meeting
March 3, 2009 5:30 p.m.
Newtown Public Library

Members Present:  

Warden James Dzurendal, Garner Correctional Facility
Stephen J. Sedensky III, State's Attorney
Mike Kehoe, Chief of Police
Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners

Tammy Hazen, Clerk

Chief Kehoe convened the meeting at 5:30.  

Public Participation

Andy Gorosky from the Newtown Bee was present along with on other member of the public.

Approval of Minutes

The First Selectman took minutes of the last meeting held on September 2008.  Ms. Hazen will ask him for his notes.  There was no meeting in December 2008.

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Warden Dzurendal stated the current population count at the facility is 526 including 294 Mental Health inmates.  The number of mental health inmates in the facility have decreased.  The goal of the facility is to help as many inmates as possible succeed outside of the facilities.  There are approximately 50 inmates that may never leave.  This population includes the MRTBI (Mentally Retarded Traumatic Brain Injury) inmates and others where there are no programs that would get them better.  The facility keeps these inmates stabilized and monitored.  

The Warden discussed how the facility works with the Dept of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) and prepare for an inmate’s release 45 days ahead of time.  An inmate is never discharged directly out from the Newtown facility.  Transportation is supplied but if there is no place for them to go, they are transferred to a mental health ward at a local hospital.  The hospital then works with DMHAS for a discharge from there.  With parole, probation, or half way house releases, they follow the client with their progress to make sure they are medication compliant and following their programs.

The Warden discussed four suicides that have occurred in the last 14 months.  The facility notifies the Police when there is such an incident in case residents see the Major Crime Squad on premises and are concerned over public safety.  

Mr. Craigen asked about inmates having access to hanging themselves.  The Warden stated that inmates have rights to basic needs such as clothing, towels, blankets, bed sheets.  A mental health professional needs to deem an inmate as a suicide risk, where at that point they are issued Ferguson gowns and blankets that are unable to be torn and the inmate is kept on a 24 hours watch.  Unfortunately, if an inmate really wants to kill themselves, they will not tell anyone.  

Mr. Gorosko asked if there are any preventative measures to eliminate future suicides.  The Warden said that Garner is the only facility in Connecticut where every inmate is checked every 15 minutes.  A suicide by hanging can be committed in only three to four minutes.  Mental health staff on site 16 hours each day and nurses are on staff 24 hours a day.  

Chief Kehoe thanked the Warden for keeping the Police Department updated.  

Old Business

Chief Kehoe asked the Warden about the proposed training discussed last year.  The Warden said due to budgetary concerns, it's on hold for now.  

Warden Dzurendal discussed the Community Notification System that is tested on the first Saturday of every month and said he has not heard any positive or negative feedback.  Chief Kehoe discussed the back-up to the prison’s system – called “Code Red” – where a message can be sent out simultaneously to whoever is registered to receive it.  The public can register their local land lines to this system through the Town's website.  

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.